Being Antiracist

Being Antiracist

As Ibram X. Kendi states, "being an antiracist requires persistent self-awareness, constant self-criticism, and regular self-examination.” It requires you to be mindful of the thoughts you’re having and to question your knee-jerk reactions over and over again. We then have to look at, and change the systems and policies that perpetuate this.

Emotional Contagion

Emotional Contagion

During this period of history, where fear appears to be everywhere, it can be beneficial to remember to turn away from fear and back toward joy. Begin to spread happiness throughout your day, because it is just as contagious as some of those negative emotions.

Minority Stress

Minority Stress

Minority stress levels have been high, and I can only imagine what people of color, immigrants, and women are feeling right now in this political climate. I want to remind people to take care of themselves, whether it’s by seeking the counseling of a therapist; confiding in a close friend or support network; or taking part in an activity that you enjoy.